On Sunday I finished my
12 Fitness Week Plan and I couldn't be more excited about it! I have gotten much stronger, leaner, faster and feel much better than I ever have before. My goal since coming to Mongolia almost a year ago was to get into the best shape of my life, and I can safely say I have achieved that goal. I feel incredible, consistently weigh in at 190 pounds (down from 255 in June '08), my waist has gone from 44 inches to 38 inches and my body mass index (
BMI) has dropped from 30.8 to 23.
My new goal is to become ripped like my Dad and Barack Obama, as well as earn a ton of Presidential Fitness awards. The 12 weeks was a preparation for the
regular routine which I have started this week to achieve those goals. I'm definitely excited about it and know this is just the beginning of a lifetime of being in great shape. Also, in case you are interested, I have collected some
recommendations for anyone who wants to start their own routine. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you. Thanks, by the way, to everyone who has been so
supportive and helpful to me. Particularly
Chase. Thanks Chase.