Every year I reflect on big dreams I have for my life and when I accomplish them I share them here.
Become an Eagle Scout (2003)
Graduate from University (2007)
Join the Peace Corps (2008)
Hug My Sister On Her Wedding Day (2009)
See Altan Ovoo (2009)
Start Painting (2009)
Make a Five Year Plan (2009)
Develop Dalai Lama Facebook App (2009)
Set Out Yearly and Monthly Themes (2009)
Learn Massage from A Professional (2010)
Visit America with Tunga (2010)
Partner with the World Health Organization (2010)
Apply To Be a Fulbright Scholar (2010)
Create Nonprofit Foundation (2011)
Finish Peace Corps on a Strong Note (2011)
Launch New Advance Humanity (2011)
Create Awesome Mongolia (2012)
Become a Peace Corps Fellow (2012)
Take Online Classes at The Academy (2012)
Launch New Dalai Quotes iPhone App (2012)
Stop Biting My Nails (2013)
Get Advance Humanity B Corps Certified (2013)
Graduate with Masters Degree (2014)
Help Tunga Get Into Graduate School (2015)
Help Jonathan Move to Vermont (2016)
Write 1000 Words a Day (2016)
Teach a University Class (2016)
Write a Children's Book (2017)
Hug Tunga on Graduation Day (2017)
Build Optimist Center (2017)
Start Online Optimist Program (2018)
Buy a New Car (2018)
Simplify My Personal Brand (2019)
Start a Successful Service Club (2004)
Complete a Meditation Retreat (2008)
Finish My Website (2008)
Become Better at Home Repairs (2009)
Only Have Things I Love and Need (2009)
Develop Peace Corps Merit Badges (2009)
Compete a Serious 3-Month Workout (2009)
Develop Dalai Lama iPhone App (2009)
Make Awesome Business Cards (2010)
Become a Peace Corps Volunteer Leader (2010)
Teach 50 People Intermediate English (2010)
Publish My First Book (2010)
Ride a Motorcycle in Mongolia (2011)
Organize TEDx in Mongolia (2011)
Get Married to Tunga (2011)
Write My Second Book (2012)
Get New Media Group B Corporation Certified (2012)
Start Graduate School (2012)
Teach My Own Class at The Academy (2012)
Get Advance Humanity B Corps Certified (2013)
Launch New TravisHellstrom.com Website (2013)
Write My First Traditionally Published Book (2013)
Organize an Online Conference (2014)
Start B Corps 101 (2015)
Begin Learning Graphic Design (2016)
Begin Doing Executive Coaching (2016)
Write a Workbook for High School (2017)
Lead a Summer Program (2017)
Teach in Graduate School (2017)
Create My Own Writing Retreat (2018)
Get Our First Puppy (2018)
Move to a New Home (2019)
Become a Dad (2019)
Build a Location Independent Lifestyle
Apply to a Ph.D. Program
Write the 15th Dalai Lama
Save Money to Buy My Own House
Learn Lots of Jokes and Riddles
Enjoy What I Am Doing No Matter What
Go Into Space
Become a Really Good Storyteller
Speak at TED
Be As Good A Dad As My Dad
Meditate Everyday
Buy a Tesla
Live by a Lake
Decide on Moving to Europe or Canada
Live a Simple Life
Go on Adventures With Friends
Meet the Dalai Lama
Visit Tibet & Dharmasala
“If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with success unexpected in common hours.”