Richard Sitler, Making Peace with the World

Advance Humanity is all about people who put themselves out there and try to do something great. For Richard Sitler, this meant traveling around the world for two years and taking pictures of PCVs in today's Peace Corps. We were lucky enough to have him visit us here in Mongolia and even take some great shots at our COS event last year.

His book, Making Peace with the World, was just published by Other Places Publishing, a company started by Chris Beale and former Peace Corps Volunteers from around the world. We would like to congratulate Richard for all of his hard work. The pictures in his book are amazing and really capture the spirit of what serving in Peace Corps is like now, fifty years after its inception in 1961. 

If you'd like to support Richard's work (and help him recover some of the cost of his lengthy trip) please visit his campaign here. He's been trying to raise money for his trip for over two years, and he's really close to finishing. Thanks for the inspiration and congratulations again Richard!

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