I wanted to share some fun things I have really enjoyed this month. First, taxes. For my fifth year in a row I filed my state and federal taxes online, for free, in under 10 minutes. It's a luxury I am provided by the Freedom Edition of TurboTax given my state of residence and my low income and it might be something you qualify for as well (especially if you are a Peace Corps Volunteer). Check it out
here to learn more...

Second, signatures. I found out about this cool way to sign your emails with neat little icons and even updates on your most recent blog posts if you want to. It's called WiseStamp and works with all major email programs including Gmail and Yahoo. Check it out
here to learn more...
Lastly, an awesome button. I recently added this to both
Advance Humanity and the
Advance Humanity Blog featuring one of the most awesome people I know, the
Dalai Lama. It is inspired by the
Hyperbole and a Half blog which is hilarious and awesome. You never know what it'll point to, blogs, things like Wisestamp, the Dalai Lama himself, who knows! It's going to be a crazy awesome ride. If you're afraid of awesomeness don't click it.