It was getting warm last week (the ice that's been here for four months melted for two days!), but now it's a' gettin' cold outside! I wanted to share a little video and the weather forecast for this upcoming week since I really haven't talked about the weather here before. It's in Celsius, which is all they use here. Also, an important thing to note is that this doesn't include the wind chill, which really is the worst part honestly. I have been in -30 degree weather without wind and it's nothing compared to when a 25 mph wind joins it. And being out here in the steppe, with no mountains or hills to block it, the wind gets crazy! The moment the wind hits your face your eyes cry, but before the tears can hit your cheeks they freeze solid. Hahaha! The trick is to cover up...or just not go outside. Plus side: I still love snow! Oh, and I still haven't fallen yet! You should have seen this one time, I almost did but I caught myself on my fingertips like freakin'
Barry Sanders! I bounded up from a three-point stance laughing and looking around, but I didn't have an audience. Which reminds me of Nintendo's Super Tecmo Bowl, the best game ever made. I used to be the Detroit Lions ever time just so I could
run with Barry. He was freakin' unbelievable. Long live
Barry Sanders, and Mongolian snow, and not falling down...