
I am absolutely fascinated by Buddhism. This is not news to a lot of people, but maybe to some it is. I am thrilled to say that I have found several like-minded people in my Peace Corps group here: one who traveled through Tibet, two who wear wedding rings from Tibet, one who built a $1.5 million meditation retreat center, one philosophy major who wants to go onto graduate studies in far east studies, another who has been studying in California temples for years, and on and on. I am also thrilled to say that I have visited a giant statue of Buddha already and I’ve only been in country for four days! I hope to not only see much more while I am here, but also experience Buddhism in Mongolia firsthand whether in monasteries, in conversations with monks and lamas, or in question and answer sessions with my host family and friends regarding their personal thoughts or experiences. I have a lot to learn and I have a feeling that might just be one of the most important things I ever do.