Service means something different to everyone. At Everyday Service, we believe that service comes in all forms from big commitments to small acts of kindness you do all of the time, but don't even notice. We want to shine light on all of these actions and inspire people to keep doing the wonderful things that they do for others. By doing so, we really can change the world.

Our Goals
1) Create creative projects that enable people to engage with one another through the common idea of service.
2) Build a community of world changers and Everyday Humanitarians.
3) Share stories and resources that help people learn how they can change the world.


If you download the Everyday Service Course, these are some of the fantastic professors that you will be able to hear from. It is a truly diverse group with an amazing collective experience from all corners of the service world! You'll also notice many of our professors work with our community partners!


Jen Wilson...  Featured | Website
Jen is a counselor, life coach and educational consultant. She has worked to start several charter schools, led outdoor retreats and workshops and helped people live wonderful awesome lives. She is founder of New Leaf Coaching and Consulting.

Tim Hwang...  Website | Facebook
Tim is founder of Awesome Foundation, an incredible group of people around the world who are spreading awesomeness one $1000 grant at a time. There are over 30 chapters around the world and Awesome Foundation will soon be featured on the SyFy later this year.

David Hlebain
David is the Community Partnerships Coordinator at the Carlson Leadership & Public Service Center at the University of Washington. David previously served at the Carlson Center as an  AmeriCorps  VISTA member and worked at the Lifelong AIDS Alliance.

Joanne Schwartz
Joanne has committed her life to serving the small communities in Lewis County, Washington through her career and volunteer experiences. She worked as the county commissioner and the director of community services in Chehalis. Further, she was a founding member of the Lewis County Economic Development Council, is a current trustee at Centralia College and is a board member at Providence Hospital and the Chehalis Foundation, which she helped create.

Danielle Sleeper
Danielle who is Research Assistant and Contributor to new book The Effective Global Volunteer, which is second edition of How to Live Your Dream Volunteering Overseas.

Chris De Bruyen
Chris served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Mongolia from 2007 to 2009. He currently works as a and Instructor with the American University of Iraq. He is also co-founder of Development Now.

Judy Gates
Judy served as a Peace Corps Volunteer from 2008 to 2010 and again as a Peace Corps Response Volunteer from 2011 to 2012 working with Community Economic Development. 

Kareen Kanjo
Kareen is currently working as a Programs Coordinator with the Building Skills Partnership (BSP), a non-profit organization that provides courses and programs for low-wage immigrant workers throughout California. Kareen completed two years of  AmeriCorps VISTA with BSP before being hired directly by the organization. Prior to joining Americorps, Kareen was a member of the Lutheran Volunteer Corps, a national service program rooted in “building community, working for justice, and living simply and sustainably”. Through LVC, Kareen completed a year-long term of service with La Raza Central Legal in San Francisco, CA. 

Joshua Dawson... Featured | Website | Facebook
Joshua is founder of the I Am Genie Foundation, a wish granting organization focused on inspiring people to do good deeds. It has been featured on major networks including ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX and so far given over $1,000,000 inspiring people worldwide.

Marianne Perez... Featured | Website | Facebook
Marianne is founder of Peace is Sexy, a website dedicated to showing the inviting, seductive and spicy side of peace by profiling people and organizations that create peace in the world.

Maren Peterson...  Website | Featured | Facebook
Maren serves as Senior Project Coordinator for United Planet, an organization which brings together thousands of people all over the world in the effort to build cross-cultural understanding and provide vital services to communities in need.

Zach Maurin
Zach runs ServeNext (now part of ServiceNation) -- a grassroots advocacy organization for national service/AmeriCorps. We are working to build a permanent, powerful, and constantly growing army of advocates who are relentlessly pushing national service in our politics.  He is an AmeriCorps/City Year alum, originally from Pittsburgh, and now living in DC.   

Vanessa Porter...  Email | Chat
Vanessa served in Honduras from 2008 to 2010 as a Protected Areas Management Volunteer in a rural village where she taught Environmental Education in schools, wrote course books, organized a Girls' Health Group, led a "Religious Equality Forum" support group and served during a coup d' etat. Vanessa currently works with Boston Natural Areas Network as an Environmental Educational teacher. 

Orly Wahba... Featured | Website
Orly is founder and CEO of Life Vest Inside, a 501(c)3 nonprofit dedicated to keeping the world afloat with kindness. Her films have been enjoyed by tens of millions of people and her organization's approach to kindness has inspired even more.

Travis Hellstrom...  Website | Email | LinkedIn
Travis just finished three years of service as a PCV & PCVL in Mongolia where he worked as a Health Specialist. He founded Peace Corps 101, wrote the Unofficial Handbook & Enough, and co-founded TEDxUlaanbaatar, the first TEDx event in Mongolia.

Jen Chantrill
Jen is a juicy free spirit, experiential educator, community change agent and passionate yogini. Currently, she is a Volunteer Coordinator & Operations Manager for  Washington C.A.S.H.,  (Community Alliance for Self-Help), empowering aspiring entrepreneurs in the Puget Sound area. Jen also runs her own small business; Living Bliss Consulting, a solo project that provides personalized business coaching and consulting for women business owners in the healing arts. 

Nancy Creighton
Nancy is the Children's Outreach Liaison at Westbrook Health Services, a non-profit community behavioral health care provider in Parkersburg, West Virginia. She serves as chair of the Wood County Wellness Coalition, is a member of the Wood County Youth & Adolescent Council, and serves on the board of both the Ritchie County and Tyler County Family Resource Networks. Nancy served in AmeriCorps NCCC as a Corps Member in 2002 and as a Team Leader in 2009.

Amy Potthast
Amy is the director and founder of the St. Johns Village Project, a small-scale, socially innovative approach to decreasing teen parent isolation and improving outcomes for their children. Amy oversaw Idealist’s Graduate Degree Fairs for the Public Good; created content for, edited, and promoted the Idealist Nonprofit Career Center and Grad School Resource Center; wrote about careers, volunteering and service for the Idealist homepage blog; trained service corps members and program staff; and created several blogs and podcast shows including the Grad School show, the Careers show, The Civic Life show, the Nonprofit Career Month series & blog, and The New Service podcast & blog.

Matt Johnson...  Website | Featured | Facebook
Matt is a social entrepreneur and founder and CEO of Project Living Well, a startup dedicated to outfitting, inspiring and supporting Everyday World Changers.

Averill Strasser...  Website | Featured | LinkedIn
Averill is Founder and COO of Water Charity, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, which operates worldwide to provide safe water, sanitation, and health education to those in need.

Thomas Burns
Thomas was a Fulbright Scholar in Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia from 2009 to 2010. He is also author of the Unofficial Guide to Fulbright Scholarships and will be sharing his perspective on the incredible Fulbright Program.

Joe Salvatore...  Website | Interview
Joe is one of the founding staff at Madécasse, an amazing company in Madagascar started by former Peace Corps Volunteers which was recently named by Fast Company as one of the 50 most innovative companies in the world.

Matt Wojciakowski
Matt is the Community Engagement Coordinator at  the Carlson Leadership & Public Service Center at the University of Washington. Matt works closely with students to support them through different service opportunities in Greater Seattle. 

Libby Hite
Libby works in New Hampshire as State Program Specialist for the Corporation of National & Community Service. Libby was also a staff member for the Southwest Region of AmeriCorps NCCC after serving as a Team Leader for the organization.

Alec Macauley
Alec spent two years with Teach for America after serving as International President of Circle K. He will be sharing advice with us about incredible service opportunities around the country. 



At Everyday Service, we know that there are incredible organizations around the globe that are doing their part to make the world just a little better. We want to honor and feature these organizations by sharing them with you! These are just a few of our favorites!