Travis Hellstrom

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Typical Workday

One of the things I love most about Peace Corps is how it allows Volunteers to work with people from all kinds of various fields (health, business, youth, teaching) to do meaningful and exciting projects. Today I talked and worked with three wonderful Peace Corps Volunteer friends on one of our favorite projects together, had an amazing conversation on Skype with three inspiring ladies from the National Peace Corps Association, met for lunch to answer questions from the owner of one of our favorite restaurants in town about how he can improve his business and then talked with our excited friend about some future possibilities that could expand her small embroidery business ten-fold. I am a Health Volunteer, but as Peace Corps is fond of saying, we are all Community Development Volunteers. I am learning about leadership, project management, small business, and international development just by doing things that I love as a Volunteer and I am learning it alongside my Mongolian friends and fellow Volunteers. It's wonderful to have a day of work like this, which takes me all over the place and allows me to work with amazing people from all over the world. And it's a Saturday.