Travis Hellstrom

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Old Wisdom

I would like to get into the habit of writing every night so that when I get into the Peace Corps it is a habit that I can continue. I will, no doubt, have trouble getting regular access to the internet but I will always be able to type on my computer or write in a journal no matter where I am. I am sure I will have a lot I want to share and tons of experiences I will want to remember.

I came across this blog by Salomon who is a Peace Corps Volunteer in Mongolia right now. He is an M18, which is the group that got to Mongolia in May 2007, and he had this quote on one of his first entries. I really like it:

Go to the people, Live with the people. Learn from them, Love them.
Start with what they know. Build on what they have.
But with the best leaders, when the work is done
The people all say, “We have done it ourselves.”
- Lao Tsu (China) 700 B.C.

Peace Corps in a nutshell?