Travis Hellstrom

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How to Lose 100 Pounds Playing Video Games

A little inspiration for today. This story comes from a gentleman nicknamed Kane. You can see his whole story in just two pictures.



The Summary

By changing one simple thing that he loved (playing video games) into a more healthy activity, he lost over 100 pounds in one year. You can read the whole story here.

The Bike

71d-S3mvJsL._SL1500_Tunga and I thought it would be fun to try it out, so we ordered one over a year ago. It's a simple bike and we love it.

I keep it downstairs right next to my office and use it when I'm on phone calls, watching movies, reading, watching a class online or pretty much anytime I would otherwise be sitting. That combined with my standing desk means, even though I work at home, I'm not sitting very much. Which is a good thing since sitting too much may just kill you.

If you are interested in the bike, you can find it here.