Our Community is your place to connect and learn with Everyday Humanitarians!

Each month we focus on one topic aimed to empower Everyday Humanitarians like you. We will gather and share articles, interviews, videos, webinars and more to help you learn more about personal and professional topics.

Our goal is to provide you with inspiring, informative, and innovative resources that will help you change the world.


The Simple Plan

How does this community work? It’s simple! Each month, you will have access to new resources and tools to help you achieve your goals.

  1. Articles. Advance Humanity contributors will offer blog posts, book reviews, and discussions to inform you about the work of Everyday Humanitarians.
  2. Interviews. Interviews with other Everyday Humanitarians will inspire you and encourage you to think of creative ways to change the world.
  3. Webinars. Interactive webinars will offer you a chance to interact with incredible people, ask them questions, and learn from their experiences.
  4. Community. We believe the best way to Advance Humanity is to do it together - so this is the place to come together to be inspired, take action, and learn from one another.

And that’s it! A new theme each month, simple, focused.



Member Feedback

Screen Shot 2014-01-19 at 7.55.23 PM There are Everyday Humanitarians in our Community who are all over the world. Here’s what Amy, Heath and Alex had to say:

Working with Advance Humanity is transformational. The talent, energy, and integrity of the Advance Humanity team help reposition my business and enabled me to bring both the business and my professional career to a new level. - Amy, Social Entrepreneur USA

Advance Humanity has made available a wide network of professionals who can help me take my projects to new heights I'd never considered possible. The opportunity to draw on that advice and support is really exciting. - Heath, Peace Corps Volunteer in Mongolia

The personal and professional support I received from the Advance Humanity Community turned me from a graduate student into a social entrepreneur. The Fellows program is my opportunity to pay it forward, have fun, and learn! - Alex, Nonprofit Consultant in Rwanda