Travis Hellstrom

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Everyday Humanitarian

A Preview of Our February Community Month
by Bonnie Nelson


If you had to draw a picture of an Everyday Humanitarian, what would it look like?

Would the person be giving the peace sign, planting a tree, or playing with children? Would they be in some obscure environment, dressed in all khaki and administering a shot? Would you draw a self-portrait of yourself, surrounded by your family that you take care of daily?

Each of us has a separate image of what it means to be an Everyday Humanitarian.

That is part of why I love this term; it offers no boundaries, no rigid structure to who can be one and who can not. It can change through a person’s lifetime, flowing with their actions and intentions to help others near and far.

In the month of February, the Fellows and Partners of Advance Humanity will be bringing you pieces of what Everyday Humanitarianism looks like to us. To some, it requires service to others. To others, it means being kind. To several of our members, it involves going abroad to empower others and strengthen communities.

We look forwards to sharing our definitions with you and hope that by the end of the month, you can draw your own clear picture of an Everyday Humanitarian.

Join us in our Community and explore more!