We can spend our lives trying to be what others expect of us, but that’s not us. We are something greater than even we know. I believe I am meant to discover my world and give myself to it. I am definitely still discovering my world, but I do know that the more I listen to a quiet sense inside me the more it points me to toward working for world peace. I don’t think the time for renaissance men, for Thomas Jeffersons, Benjamin Franklins, Buddhas, Dalai Lamas, and Mahatma Gandhis, has passed us by. I think it is time for a new generation of men and women to take all of our incredible innovations and amazing opportunities and use them to help us all live happy and healthy lives. We need to work together, all of us, at a common level. This year I want my theme to be greatness, living my greatest life in the greatest service to others, to our world.