Dalai Quotes
I'm very excited to announce that the Dalai Quotes application for the iPhone and iPod Touch has finally been released! It is a collection of 400+ quotes from the Dalai Lama available through the iTunes App Store for $0.99 and all net proceeds are going to support the Dalai Lama's Foundation for Universal Responsibility, which he established with the Nobel Peace Prize he was awarded in 1989. The application is a collaboration between myself and James at SoftwareX who has been a great partner. I have been collecting Quotes from the Dalai Lama for years and am really excited to be able to share them with others.
This is only the first version of the application and we will be making lots of improvements with your suggestions. In fact to say thanks for great suggestions we will be giving away free copies of the application so please share your thoughts with us at any time. We hope people enjoy Dalai Quotes and we look forward to making it better and better! Thanks!
- Dalai Quotes in the iTunes App Store
- Dalai Quotes Fan Page on Facebook