Travis Hellstrom

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Groundhog Day

Groundhog Day. Yes it's a day, but it's also a movie. And it's an entry I made two years ago (yes, I know, I did this for Harry Potter too). Since Groundhog Day comes once a year on February 2nd I usually watch the movie Groundhog Day once a year too, preferably on February 2nd. The movie is great at highlighting the American tradition of Punxsutawney Phil (which is why it is also in our National Film Registry) but for me it is a great reminder of the value of one day and how much we really can accomplish if we think about the time we have. This time when I watched the movie I noticed it also provides a lesson regarding personal development: Bill Murray's character Phil Connors goes through periods of denial, selfishness, despair and unselfishness before he realizes what he really wants to live for. This is a process of education and experience that I think all of us go through, so I think everyone can relate to this very easily. I just hope I can make use of each of my days like he does with his on Groundhog Day. Maybe practice, as was the case with him, makes perfect.