Preparing Ahead

As you may have noticed, I am in the capital city preparing for an upcoming conference which starts tomorrow morning. I have posted a little bit of information about it here on the Advance Humanity website if you would like to read more, but I thought I'd make a quick clarification before I leave in our Peace Corps Landcruiser to start setting things up tonight together with Zorigoo, Tunga, Siilegmaa and Julie.

I won't have access to the internet for the next week, but blog posts will continue to go up and twitters will continue to tweet while I am gone. This is because I am using schedulers to post things even when I am not around to post them myself. I wrote about Nelson Mandela about two weeks ago, for instance, and you will be seeing quotes from him all week. You will also see a blog post about him tomorrow. As I said to Matt, this is because I am pretending to be a professional blogger. Some posts (like this one) were written right when I posted it, but others were written weeks or even months prior to the time they go up. It's an interesting tactic to use, but one I have been enjoying for several weeks now (without anyone even noticing). Anyway, I'm gonna head out the door now and I'll post up some pictures about the conference when I get back this weekend. Have a great week!