How to Make Homemade Ice Cream

Thanks to Shaw flippin' Rowe I was able to enjoy some great homemade ice cream with Reese's Peanut Butter cups this past weekend while watching the entire third season of Lost and now I'm passing on the savings to you! cream savings I guess. Here, straight from the primary resource, is the famous recipe for incredible vanilla ice cream by Shaw himself, which you can make in your very own ice cream churn:
  1. Start by pouring two 14 oz. cans of condensed milk into churn bucket
  2. Add one quart of half and half and several tablespoons of vanilla
  3. Stir together and fill up the rest of the container to fill line with milk
  4. Surround the center metal container with ice and salt in layers
  5. Hook up the ice cream maker and start up the churn
  6. Wait til the churn slows down or stops
  7. Open it up and eat the greatest ice cream ever!
Unofficially, listening to questionable music and watching a ridiculous amount of Lost makes the ice cream taste better. :) Enjoy!