Rest Step

The idea of a rest step is something that I really like. It’s been hard to do, but like most things that I think bring great value to my life, it proves itself in big and small situations. A “rest step” as Phil Powers describes it in his “This I Believe” special on NPR, “rests in the middle of each step completely, but briefly.” He says it has allowed him to walk or climb with little effort and allowed him to “move very quickly, yet still find a pause in every step.”
In my experience it has provided a chance for reflection in my actions. I know where I am and I know what I’m doing for that moment and I even have time to look around and to observe people and things around me as I walk. Although I might arrive to my destination thirty seconds later, it seems worth it. To me the idea of a rest step is the idea of being where you are a little more than you are usually. It means thinking and not rushing. It means pausing, just a little bit, where you usually don’t pause at all.