
For some time I have intended on reading Meditations by Emperor Marcus Aurelius and after sifting through different translations over the last few months, I have come across the translation with which I wish to begin. The Emperor’s Handbook, written in 2002 by C. Scot Hicks and David V. Hicks, outlines in general language the feeling of Meditations as they believe Marcus Aurelius originally intended. They cross-referenced current translations of the book in English and French and then rechecked their own translations with the original Greek, doing whatever they could to express what they believe was Marcus’s original meaning. I have been throughly impressed so far with what I have read and from all of its glimmering reviews I believe I will be impressed by this translation of the book until the very end.
In no certain time frame, I plan to read through each of the twelve books of Meditations and then write a brief review of each book including my thoughts. I will post each review as I make them until each book has been read and then that will be that. Or atleast, that will be that for here. Like any handbook, I imagine The Emperor’s Handbook is likely to be picked up again and again. As the Hicks brothers write in the Introduction:
“Everything about The Emperor’s Handbook suggests that Marcus used it to remind himself of his guiding principles and to hold himself accountable to them. These are not merely thoughts “recollected in tranquility,” but they contain the landmarks and lighthouses by which he navigated a life, the life not of a saintly recluse, but of a general, administrator, legislator, husband, father, and judge beseiged on all sides.”

It is this handbook which I intend to study very carefully and which I expect to enjoy very thoroughly.