
I come bearing gifts and memories. Do you sometimes long for those days of lunch snacks hidden away in batman lunch boxes? Little goodies sitting next to your peanut butter and jelly sandwich tucked inside your barbie doll tin snacker? Well look no further no longer. I have created an ingenious alternative to those lovable snacks called Dunkaroos. Dunkaroos were the first genius snack made to include graham cracker minatures with heavenly, sugary icing. A brilliant unabashedly unwholesome topping on one side of the container and admired whole grain graham crackers shaped like animals on the other. If you haven’t tried the official Dunkaroos, I would not hesitate in trying to find them. They are worth the effort and the money. However, they are difficult to find sometimes. For those of you who already know of their goodness, I have an alternative that comes pretty close. The equivalent of approximately 33 dunkaroos containers, I suggest purchasing the two ingredients separately. Pick out your favorite Teddy Grahams flavor, whether cinnamon, chocolate chip, original or even reduced fat. Then pick out your favorite icing, vanilla, butter cream, chocolate, vanilla with those little poke-a-dot sprinkles. The icing comes in a small can-sized container that I think matches the box of Teddy Grahams pretty well. We careful in how you eat these two delectable treats, I wouldn’t suggest grabbing the box in one hand and the icing in the other while sitting on the couch watching a movie. As enticing as that is, you might not feel so good after you finish the Teddies and then start licking the icing container. I haven’t tried this…I’m just imagining the possibilities. I prefer to get a small dish into which I pour about 20 Teddy Grahams, then dip them in the icing. Self control is valued here too, as you could technically eat all the icing after eating only three Teddies. But that is the secret, this is my wonderous new discovery and I hope you enjoy it as much as I have. Dunkaroos Unite!