Peace Corps
A lot of people ask me about Peace Corps: what it was like, how it changed me and what I think about the organization. In short, I love Peace Corps, it changed my life forever and it was an incredible experience that I could never fully describe.
However, I definitely tried.
During my service I wrote over 300 blog posts and I wrote a book about it.
Actually, I wrote two books. And then I taught a class called Peace Corps 101. If you are interested in applying I think that's a great place to start.
In case you'd like to see some of my favorite blog posts from my three years of Peace Corps service, I thought I'd include those here.
Pace yourself, this is a lot...
- How Far Will You Go? - early thoughts on Peace Corps
- Highly, Highly Unusual - letter from Peace Corps after my second decline
- Embarrassing YouTube Video - getting my invitation to Mongolia
- Surprise - Peace Corps response to my video
- Overwhelmed - preparing to leave for Mongolia
- Staging - the training before training
- Traveling Days - the chaotic first few weeks
- Travel Journal - a summary of three months of training
- The Girl I've Been Looking For - a cute story about my host family
- Surprises - my first Peace Corps friend who went home
- Worst Day of Peace Corps Service - the inevitable poop story
- Interview with the Art of Manliness - answers to common Peace Corps questions
- Visiting Home & Freak Out List - a trip home for my sister's wedding
- Children's Camp - an amazing summer
- Stress Mess - advice for PCVs with stress
- Crag Insanity - an outdoor event that reminded me of Nickelodeon GUTS
- A Talk with Tunga's Family - a conversation on communism and freedom
- Two Year Mark - finishing my second year
- PCVL - becoming a Peace Corps Volunteer Leader
- 10 for 3 - reflections on Peace Corps' third goal
- Mongolian Wedding - getting married to my wonderful wife
- Three Year Pizza - reflections on slow change
- TEDxUlaanbaatar - the first TEDx event in Mongolia
- The End of My Time in the Peace Corps - the end
- Thank You, Peace Corps - acknowledgements
- Timeline - a brief timeline of my service
- Service - a description of my first two years
- Handbook - the book I wrote about Peace Corps
- Projects - some of my projects during Peace Corps
- DOS - an official description of my service
- Enough - the book of all my lessons learned
- Peace Corps 101 - a class for anyone who loves Peace Corps
“One person can make a difference, and everyone should try.”